Friday, July 13, 2012

Baby shower gifts ideas

Baby Shower Gift Ideas and Tips

The baby shower is a great time to give a pregnant woman gifts. In fact, baby shower gifts are very special to the mom-to-be, and many keep a list of what they received at their shower in their baby book. There are numerous items to choose from, and many guests like to give gifts they found useful with their own babies. If you aren't sure what to give, do some investigating before you begin your shopping.

Feathering the Nest Four-Piece Layette Unique Gift Set

Feathering the Nest Four-Piece Layette Unique Gift Set

Dilly the Duck Four-Piece Bathtime and Baby Shower Gift Set

Dilly the Duck Four-Piece Bathtime and Baby Shower Gift Set

Finley the Frog Four-Piece Hat Box Bath Time Baby Gift Set

Tillie the Turtle - Four-Piece Hat Box Bath Time baby Gift Set

If she plans to breastfeed, bottles, pacifiers, formula and other accessories that help with bottle feeding would not be appropriate and probably won't be used. Instead, you could buy her nursing pads, nursing shirts or a breastfeeding book. Similarly, if she plans to return to work a few weeks after Baby is born, a breast pump or storage containers for expressed breastmilk would be a great gift.

Many items can enhance a mother's daily life with her new baby while allowing her to keep doing what she loves. If your guest of honor loves to go cycling, a bicycle trailer and infant helmet would be great gifts. Or if she likes to take long morning walks, a stroller and diaper bag may be helpful. Because babies take numerous naps throughout the day, a mother who likes to garden may find a baby monitor useful for keeping tabs on when her little one wakes up while she is outside.

Sometimes, a mother may need extra safety items for her house. If she has stairs, a gate would be appreciated for when her baby is mobile. Stay away from items that might create dangerous situations, like baby walkers. Walkers not only pose a threat to babies who live in houses with stairs, but they can also be dangerous for little ones because they place them at a higher level where they might reach items that can cause injury. Safety items that are always important in any house are electrical outlet plugs, cabinet locks and corner bumpers for sharp coffee tables and counters.

Diapers may not be personable, but they sure can come in handy. Be sure to find out if the parents plan to use disposable or cloth, and then buy them in the newborn size. You can also buy diaper wipes or safety pins. Diaper bags are popular gifts, so be sure to check with other guests before buying one.
Give gifts you think are wanted and needed, and remember that the mom-to-be will probably be gathering items herself. Most of all, try to choose something you will enjoy giving. If you really can't decide, maybe a homemade picture frame or baby booties would work better for you. Take her to a La Leche League meeting, or give her a hand-made gift certificate offering three home-cooked meals, prepared by you, for after the baby is born. This is a special time in the mother's life. Always keep in mind that love, support and friendship are the best gifts of all.

If you want to see some great ideas for baby Shower presents and customized baby gifts solution go to my website

1 comment:

  1. Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.
